PhD Student in Bioacoustics
I am a PhD student at the ENES lab (University of Saint-Etienne, France).
I’m working on vocal production in mammals, from the mechanisms of sound production to the function of vocalizations. During my PhD I use multiple methods and tools such as acoustic/video recording, playback experiments, CT-scan and post-mortem investigation.

NAME: Lucie Barluet de Beauchesne
AGE: 28
ADDRESS: Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle (ENES); 21, rue du Dr. Paul Michelon; 42100 Saint-Etienne, FRANCE
About Me
Interested in animal behavior since childhood, I decided to follow my passion through my training combining the fields of Biology, Ethology and Neuroscience.
I have the chance to live my other passion for the marine environment through trainings, such as training on cetacean with the GReC in Mediterranean Sea or my boat license, and fieldwork on marine mammals in Azores and Iceland.
I discovered the field of Bioacoustics during my internships where I studied vocalizations of cetaceans and their behavioral responses to acoustic playbacks. It is fascinating to see what we can learn about a species by studying its vocalizations and its reaction to other sounds!
Experience & Education
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Massenet, M., Oudejans, M. G., Kok, A., Visser, F., & Curé, C. (2021). Friend or foe: Risso’s dolphins eavesdrop on conspecific sounds to induce or avoid intra-specific interaction. Animal Cognition, 1-10.
- Curé, C., Isojunno, S., I Vester, H., Visser, F., Oudejans, M., Biassoni, N., Massenet, M., Barluet de Beauchesne L., Wensveen, P.J, Sivle, L.D., Tyack, P.L., & Miller, P. J. (2019). Evidence for discrimination between feeding sounds of familiar fish and unfamiliar mammal-eating killer whale ecotypes by long-finned pilot whales. Animal cognition, 22(5), 863-882.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Risser, N., Keller, M., Mathevon, N., Reby, D. (2021). Mouth opening as an indicator of emotional state in ewes. Oral communication at the Animal Behavior Society, online.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Massenet, M., Oudejans, M. G., Visser, F., & Curé, C. (2019). Eavesdropping on foraging and social sounds of conspecifics influence the horizontal movement of Risso’s dolphins. Proceeding of WMMC 2019. Oral communication at World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Terrade, A., Sorin, P., Gilbert, J., Locatelli, Y., Keller, M., Green, A., Mathevon, N., Reby, D. (2019) Effect of vocal tract modulation on formants in cow and fallow deer calls. Poster at the International Bioacoustics Congress (IBAC), 31 Aug-5 Sept 2019, University of Sussex, Brighton, England.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, M. Massenet, F. Visser, C. Curé (2018) Eavesdropping of conspecific sounds by Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus). Poster at the 48ème colloque de la Société française pour l’étude du comportement animal (Sféca), 19-21 June 2018, Rennes.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, M. Massenet, F. Visser and C. Curé (2018) Discrimination of conspecific sounds in Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus). Oral Communication at the 8th international congress for Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation of marine mammals (DCLDE), 4-8 June, Paris.
2021 – 3 months
Implication of the vocal tract in the sound production in fallow deer
- Supervision at 100% of two students: Syam Nath and Jorge Meliandomi (International Master of Bioacoustics, University of Saint-Etienne)
2021 – 6 months
The influence of the arousal level on the vocal production of Ewes
- Supervision at 100% of one student : Nolwenn Risser (Master of Ethology – Ecology, University of Saint-Etienne)
2021 – 3 months
The vocal production in Sheep
- Supervision at 100% of one student: Emmalie Alvaro (Bachelor in Physics, University of Bordeaux)
2019 – 6 months
Study the larynx descent during fallow deer vocalizations
- Supervision at 100% of two students: Anna Terrade and Pauline Sorin (National Engineering School, University of Mans (ENSIM))
Past Field Projects
Study on the hierarchic behavior inside a wolf pack
2014 – Internship as an animal keeper
Acoustic survey on two cetacean species the sperm whale and the Striped dolphin
2015 – Training in cetology as a marine mammal observer
Friend or foe: Risso’s dolphins eavesdrop on conspecific sounds to induce or avoid intra-specific interaction
2018 – Field work in the Açores
Playback experiments on orcas in Island
PhD. in Bioacoustics
I am currently looking for a postdoc position in bioacoustics.
I’m working on vocal production, from the mechanisms to the function, in marine and terrestrial mammals. During my PhD I used multiple methods and tools such as acoustic/video recording, playback experiments, CT-scan and post-mortem investigation.

NAME: Lucie Barluet de Beauchesne
AGE: 29
ADDRESS: Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle (ENES); 21, rue du Dr. Paul Michelon; 42100 Saint-Etienne, FRANCE
About me
Interested in animal behavior since childhood, I decided to follow my passion through my training combining the fields of Biology, Ethology and Neuroscience.
I have the chance to live my other passion for the marine environment through trainings, such as training on cetacean with the GReC in Mediterranean Sea or my boat license, and fieldwork on marine mammals in Azores and Iceland.
I discovered the field of Bioacoustics during my internships where I studied vocalizations of cetaceans and their behavioral responses to acoustic playbacks. It is fascinating to see what we can learn about a species by studying its vocalizations !
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Massenet, M., Oudejans, M. G., Kok, A., Visser, F., & Curé, C. (2021). Friend or foe: Risso’s dolphins eavesdrop on conspecific sounds to induce or avoid intra-specific interaction. Animal Cognition, 1-10.
- Curé, C., Isojunno, S., I Vester, H., Visser, F., Oudejans, M., Biassoni, N., Massenet, M., Barluet de Beauchesne L., Wensveen, P.J, Sivle, L.D., Tyack, P.L., & Miller, P. J. (2019). Evidence for discrimination between feeding sounds of familiar fish and unfamiliar mammal-eating killer whale ecotypes by long-finned pilot whales. Animal cognition, 22(5), 863-882.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Risser, N., Keller, M., Mathevon, N., Reby, D. (2021). Mouth opening as an indicator of emotional state in ewes. Oral communication at the Animal Behavior Society, online.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Massenet, M., Oudejans, M. G., Visser, F., & Curé, C. (2019). Eavesdropping on foraging and social sounds of conspecifics influence the horizontal movement of Risso’s dolphins. Proceeding of WMMC 2019. Oral communication at World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, L., Terrade, A., Sorin, P., Gilbert, J., Locatelli, Y., Keller, M., Green, A., Mathevon, N., Reby, D. (2019) Effect of vocal tract modulation on formants in cow and fallow deer calls. Poster at the International Bioacoustics Congress (IBAC), 31 Aug-5 Sept 2019, University of Sussex, Brighton, England.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, M. Massenet, F. Visser, C. Curé (2018) Eavesdropping of conspecific sounds by Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus). Poster at the 48ème colloque de la Société française pour l’étude du comportement animal (Sféca), 19-21 June 2018, Rennes.
- Barluet de Beauchesne, M. Massenet, F. Visser and C. Curé (2018) Discrimination of conspecific sounds in Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus). Oral Communication at the 8th international congress for Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation of marine mammals (DCLDE), 4-8 June, Paris.
2021 – 3 months
Implication of the vocal tract in the sound production in fallow deer
- Supervision at 100% of two students: Syam Nath and Jorge Meliandomi (International Master of Bioacoustics, University of Saint-Etienne)
2021 – 6 months
The influence of the arousal level on the vocal production of ewes
- Supervision at 100% of one student : Nolwenn Risser (Master of Ethology – Ecology, University of Saint-Etienne)
2021 – 3 months
The vocal production in sheep
- Supervision at 100% of one student: Emmalie Alvaro (Bachelor in Physics, University of Bordeaux)
2019 – 6 months
Study the larynx descent during fallow deer vocalizations
- Supervision at 100% of two students: Anna Terrade and Pauline Sorin (National Engineering School, University of Mans (ENSIM))
Past Field Projects